Friday, July 24, 2015

Here it goes...

So it's my first post on my first blog ever.  I'll jump right in.  I am a proud wife to "T" and lucky mother of a 3 year old and 15 month old.  I work full time and a lot of overtime.  It sucks.  I want to be with my girls so much more.  When I am with them, I feel like I need to make up for the time I missed throughout the day.  Most days start at 430am and don't stop until 1030pm.  I am exhausted, but I just want everyone to be happy, enjoy life, love, and be kind.

Before the girls were born, I was in the military, in the best shape of my life.  I did Crossfit and did PT with the squadron a few days a week.  Now as I sit here, I am almost 50lbs heavier than that girl.  I plan on losing the weight, but the time...where is the time?!  Last week I started Weight Watchers.  I have never tried it, and a friend recommended it.  So far so good.  I like that I am not restricted on what type of food I can eat, but have to plan for the splurges.  You will see many posts about my weight loss journey, it's ups and downs, and how it is affecting me.

Other things I do; I like to try to create things.  I am definitely an obsessed Pinterest user.  I have tried many recipes, created birthday parties from ideas, used some fashion tips, and even created an old school Nintendo controller coffee table for my husband.  He's a gamer, not as much as he used to be and not as much as he would like to be.  I like to tell, hear, and find corny jokes.  My sister calls me a dork.  Yep, that's about right.  I like what I do for my job, but not necessarily where I am.  I think it's just because of all the overtime I am working lately.  I like writing letters not emails, talking on the phone instead of texting (when I can), and hard copies of things.  I have a hard time using a calendar on a computer or phone, I cannot stand when people shorthand words in an email or letter like they are texting someone, and really can't stand when people try to talk to me in shorthand.  For example, I had a 6 year old say "BTW..."  She actually said B. T. W., like it was so difficult to say, "by the way."  As I am writing I may sound old...I'm 35.  I just feel like laziness is taking over the world.  Technology is a bitter sweet thing.  All I can think of is the movie, Wall-E, where everyone is sitting in chairs with monitors in front of them whisping them from place to place.  One day, I feel that's how the world will be, absent minded of what is going on around and no one looking up from the phones, tablets, monitors, etc.  Well, I guess that's already happening.  

I am not on here to try to change the world (it would be cool though).  I want to embrace this earth and everything part of it and enjoy it as much as possible.  Like I said, I will be sharing my weight loss journey, along with life events that may inspire others, recipes, my DIY successes and fails, and whatever else I can think of...

For the Love of Sweet Tea, get off your high horse already :) 

Corny Joke of the day: I bought shoes from a drug dealer.  I'm not sure what they're laced with, but I've been tripping all day...hahahahahaha